GOD'S TREASURES UNDER THE SEA DIGITAL SHEET MUSIC COLLECTION | Under the Sea Songs for Kids | Easy Piano | Guitar Chords

GOD'S TREASURES UNDER THE SEA DIGITAL SHEET MUSIC COLLECTION | Under the Sea Songs for Kids | Easy Piano | Guitar Chords

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GOD'S TREASURES UNDER THE SEA DIGITAL SHEET MUSIC COLLECTION | Under the Sea Songs for Kids | Easy Piano | Guitar Chords

This collection of sheet music is a must-have for all pianists and singers.  Written with an easy-to-follow melody line and chords, this collection has sheet music for all 20 songs featured on our God's Treasures Under the Sea Adventure Album.

Song List

1. It's about Love
2. Bubble up with Happiness
3. God Did
4.  Dive Deeper
5.  Basking in the Son
6.  Jelly Belly
7.  Dolphin Communication
8.  God's Cleaning Machine
9.  Whoosh!
10. Squid Squirt
11. A Horse of Course
12. Arms of Love
13. Crab Walk
14. Searchin' for Urchin
15. Made with a Purpose
16. Something Holy
17. One of a Kind
18. Down at the Bottom
19. A Touch of Pearl
20. God's Treasures
21. It's about Love