CREATE THE CONNECTION: THROUGH ART JOURNALLING | Art Journal | Interactive Devotional for All Ages| Creation Connection
CREATE THE CONNECTION: THROUGH ART JOURNALLING | Art Journal | Interactive Devotional for All Ages | Creation Connection
An interactive devotional for all ages - with 100 pages of inspirational prompts for creative expression.
If you are 9 or 99 or anywhere in-between and you want to connect with your Creator through creating, then this journal is for you!!
This is an Art Journal that is especially designed with the purpose of creating a connection between you and God through creating. The object is to turn this journal into a unique and special connection between you and God. An artistic expression of your love for Him and His love for you.
Each page in this Art Journal provides a prompt - an idea to create in a different way. Each prompt also includes a 'creation connection' idea - an inspiration to take your art from just being art, to being an expression of worship.
Check out "Create the Connection" on Youtube! You can watch Creation Connection's "Create the Connection" Series! Great for inspiration and guidance on your creative journey!